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Tsawwassen players compete at ‘Elite’ female tournament

Macy Smith and Grace Alleyn play for B.C. Lady Canucks at War for the Roses

A pair of female hockey players from Beach Grove in Tsawwassen have returned from an ‘Elite’ hockey experience that they likely will never forget.

Grace Alleyn and Macy Smith played for the B.C. Junior Lady Canucks at the War for the Roses in Edmonton.

The tournament is part of the “Brick” invitational that began in 1990 and is one of the top three invitational hockey events in the world.

Open to Grade 7 girls only, the tournament is a one-time opportunity to play with the best female players from all over North America.

This year there were 10 teams competing including teams from Boston, Illinois, Connecticut, Minnesota, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C.

The Lady Canucks were eliminated in the quarter finals. Ontario won the tournament.

Both Smith and Alleyn said it was an amazing experience.

“It was fun and a met a lot of new people,” said Smith, who plays forward. “We got to play in the West Edmonton Mall, and I got to see it broadcast on YouTube with real commentators. There is also a wall of fame where the players from previous Brick tournaments are listed and the ones who made the NHL are underlined.”

This past season Smith played in South Delta Minor and with the Delta Stars. Next season she will be playing in the Female Super League.

Alleyn remarked that is was an honour to be on the B.C. Junior Lady Canucks.

“It was fun to play inside the West Edmonton Mall with the fans right next to the rink. I like the tournament traditions like the player jersey swap on the last day, the team banners and jerseys all around the rink and commentators during the game,” she said.

Alleyn played defence on the Lady Canucks.

During this past season she played for the U13 A1 South Delta Storm and in the spring also played for the North Shore Knights and Fraser Valley Sturgeon.

“It was an amazing experience playing for the Lady Canucks. I got to experience different coaching styles, playing with new teammates, making new friends from my team and the other teams at the tournament. I loved playing against competitive girls’ hockey teams from all over North America,” she said.