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Ready to feel the rush

Ladner filmmakers in pre-production for short

Filmmakers Steve and Kelsey Baran have an Indiegogo campaign up and running in support of their short film project.

The couple, who live in Ladner, are working on 5 Minute Rush and hoping to use the action/crime short as a pitch piece for a feature film.

"It's action packed. It's a very ambitious project," says Steve, the film's writer and director who is acting in it as well.

Kelsey is acting in the project as well as serving as a producer.

She says the film is currently in pre-production and that they're working towards getting things like props, making sure locations are ready, doing set decorating and hiring makeup artists.

They plan to begin shooting in November with the majority of it taking place in Ladner.

Steve estimates postproduction work to last six to eight months.

"We're going to aim for the festival circuit first and then we're going to start pitching it once it's made its debut in the circuit," he explains.

He says they're very passionate about the project. "I wake up in the morning and it's the first thing I start working on."

Their Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, which has less than a week to go, has a target of $30,000. Steve says they'll make the independent film if the goal is reached or not.

"We're making this film either way. If we can reach the goal, then great. If not, we're passionate, that's what good filmmakers do, they find solutions."

He says the inspiration for the film's story, which sees enforcer Braden Vasco embroiled in a struggle between two crime empires, came from a darker time in his life when he was "running with the wrong crowd" while living in Alberta. He says he was attacked and badly hurt.

"Obviously I built a fictional story around it but I know what it's like to be in that scenario when you're facing death and you have to fight for your life," he says.

The film's Indiegogo page can be found at