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A little colour coordination could actually save Delta some money

Editor: I visit the municipal recreational facilities regularly. When you enter they give you a wristband to signify you have paid an entry fee valid for all Delta's facilities and good for the entire day.


I visit the municipal recreational facilities regularly. When you enter they give you a wristband to signify you have paid an entry fee valid for all Delta's facilities and good for the entire day.

These bands are changed daily, presumably to stop people from keeping an old band and avoiding payment on another day.

But here's the headscratcher: if you visit Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre in Tsawwassen and then the South Delta Recreation Centre, also in Tsawwassen, they don't use the same band on the same day.

At the recreation centre, you have to hand in your Winskill band to prove you have paid for the day, and they then give you a different band at no further cost.

When I asked why they could not all use the same band on the same day and thus avoid wastage, I was told, "There are eight facilities to have to coordinate, it would be too confusing."

Strange, in this day of telephone, Internet and email that someone at municipal hall might not be able to coordinate something as basic as this and thus save us weary taxpayers a few dollars.

Eight - count them, eight! - facilities to have to coordinate. Horrors!

Geoff Eldred