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Adult responsible for teen drinking

Editor: I often read in the local papers about vandalism - fences getting kicked down, windows broken, cars damaged, etc. - in Tsawwassen.


I often read in the local papers about vandalism - fences getting kicked down, windows broken, cars damaged, etc. - in Tsawwassen. I can't quite get my mind around this kind of behaviour and wonder why anyone, regardless of age, would even think of damaging other people's property just for kicks.

Well, maybe I got at least one answer last Saturday evening behind the Tsawwassen Library. As I approached the parking lot on my way to the pharmacy, I noticed a fairly large group of young boys, approximately 13 to maybe 16 years old, congregated in the library parking area.

I thought it kind of strange as they were just milling around and didn't seem to be going anywhere. Then I saw her - a young blonde woman pushing a shopping cart in their direction.

She stopped and the boys swarmed the cart like bees to honey. The cart was from the liquor store and was full of beer cases. It was broad daylight. They took their beer and off they went at warp speed on their skateboards. What was wrong with this picture?

I should have gone to the liquor store and reported this young woman to the people working in the store. I wondered if she took the cart back to get her 25 cents back.

I am sorry I didn't do more, but I would caution the employees of the liquor store (beside Envision) to think about 19-year-olds buying a cart full of alcohol. Or maybe follow them to see what they do.

Sure, it's legal, but it's not legal to sell alcohol to minors and if anything happened to any of those boys, who would really be responsible?

Maybe me, because I was late and I didn't think I had time to stop. From now on I will. I didn't do anything about it then, but I am now.

Parents, do you really know what your kids are doing on the weekend at night? Did these kids come home smelling of beer?

Tipsy? Or did they have a "sleepover" to sleep it off?

Someone said "it takes a village." I won't be too rushed to stop the next time.

C. Allen