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Bay resident proud to be a NIMBY

Editor: I commend residents of Marina Garden Estates for standing their ground and fighting for what they believe in, just like I am doing for Boundary Bay in the fight against unwanted development that would destroy their/our quality of life.


I commend residents of Marina Garden Estates for standing their ground and fighting for what they believe in, just like I am doing for Boundary Bay in the fight against unwanted development that would destroy their/our quality of life.

We move to a place for a reason and some seem to have forgotten why. Moving to Ladner and Tsawwassen is not handy in many ways if you work somewhere else, shop someplace else or do activities someplace else. But we chose to move here for the quality of life that its shown to have and that overrules all the inconveniences of all the travel we must face to do anything.

Developers are here to make money, as much and as fast as possible. That is the drive of their business, not for our quality of life as we know it. They are not here to be your friends or give you a big break on house prices or rent.

Everything built will be sold and rented at full market value, so if you are looking to save money, it's not going to happen.

If the residents of Marina Gardens moved in under the previous outline of future development then I would also be angry at the big changes being proposed and I support them 100 per cent.

There are times when being a NIMBY is a darn good thing. I truly feel that if you believe you are being wronged and you want to stand up and support your feelings, you should. You should never be condemned for being one as the pro side likes to do to people that stand in their way.

There is a risk in doing business and the risk here is running up against people who give a darn. As in Ladner, the Boundary Bay issue is the same. The development has no benefit for 'Bay residents except to double the size of their community and change our lives forever.

I have yet to talk to anyone that says they would love for it to happen. I am proud to be labeled as a NIMBY; at least we fight for what we believe in.

Rod Maksym