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Boring sign, banners are indicative of a 'no-fun town'

EDITOR: I don't know, is it just me? Turning into Tsawwassen off Highway 17 onto 56th Street, I just happened to notice there were banners on some of the poles. Now, at first I really couldn't tell what the banners were trying to signify.


I don't know, is it just me?

Turning into Tsawwassen off Highway 17 onto 56th Street, I just happened to notice there were banners on some of the poles.

Now, at first I really couldn't tell what the banners were trying to signify. I saw the words Tsawwassen and Delta, and then some brown lines on a pale green/ turquoise background.

Wow, when did Tsawwassen become this much of a no-fun town? It's bad enough the welcome to Tsawwassen sign is boring, but these pale, pastel banners are just so sad. I think they're trying to show the beach and water.

Whatever happened to any sense of fun here?

Ladner has a sign with this great heron, and we have, well, I don't quite know what we have.

Welcome to snorz-ville. How sad.

J. McKay