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Community Comment: All aboard the fantastic local food train

In any case, to make a difference, and to do your part for the future of food and farming, engage a kid and plant a seed.
Mix of ripe fresh organic vegetable in the wooden box on the soil. Filkina Natalia/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Late spring is upon us and choo-choo, here comes the fantastic local food train!

Early Warba spuds are being harvested and will be available this week and radishes, beans and other early veggies are on the go. In just a short time the bounty of our locally grown food will be in full swing. Make sure you dig in and support our local farmers!

Food security is a broad term and there is no doubt that it is a concern for some households and for farming and global food production in general.

In my mind, one of the easiest ways to address problematic food security concerns is to engage and nurture children and young people in the hopes that some of them will entertain careers in the vast food economy. The very real danger of food security is not having enough young people interested in growing it.

Developing this interest is not difficult. Kids are naturally intuitive and curious and thrive in an outdoor learning environment. I have been lucky enough to see thousands of them light up on school farms across the region. If given the opportunity, young people tend to excel when motivated and coached appropriately. I am sure that all the parents, grandparents, mentors, and coaches out there know this truth.

It is just about time for some young farmers to take their “pet cucumbers” home. They will be tasked with their care and for documenting their growth and serving their families some of the recipes we have been discussing.

The kids are told that they can grow food just about anywhere and do not need a backyard to develop and participate in these crucial life skills. A planter box on an apartment patio works just fine. One enterprising young lady grew her cucumber plant in an eavestrough last year and the fruit hung over the roof line as the vine grew. This is a future vertical farmer in the making!

In any case, to make a difference, and to do your part for the future of food and farming, engage a kid and plant a seed. They will not forget the experience.