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Community Comment: Closing the gap: a plan to provide additional support for youth

Delta Child and Youth Committee serves our community by coordinating programs and services for children and youth
The Delta Optimist welcomes Laura Dixon as a new columnist this week. File Photo

I’m pleased to be joining the team of community columnists who have been sharing their stories and experiences.

In this space, I plan to celebrate what makes Delta a wonderful place to live and highlight positive ideas for our future.

In my first column, I would like to introduce you to the Delta Child and Youth Committee (CYC), a coalition of local government and non-profit groups.

CYC serves our community by coordinating programs and services for children and youth.

Parents do all that they can to help their children thrive, but they can’t always do it alone. This is when a strong community can make a difference in helping to increase resilience and success for young people.

Recent surveys indicate that Grade 8 students in Delta report levels of well-being higher than the provincial average, but 41 percent still say they face challenges in at least one area of development. CYC members recognize there are service gaps in Delta that they are too stretched to close due to current contractual and budgetary realities.

A Delta School District survey of 1,007 parents indicates that 55 per cent of families have to seek support for their children outside our community. Parents, service providers and young people themselves recognize lack of timely access to service may lead to adverse outcomes in the long term. Obviously, more can be done.

This is why I am excited to see CYC members look towards an Integrated Youth Service Model and the expansion of existing pilot community “HUBs” which would provide counselling and physical health services. These initiatives will help to address service gaps and provide much needed support for young people right here in Delta. For more information on CYC, check out their website

Everyone in Delta should know there are resources available and that our not-profits, government agencies, the school district, local government and Delta Police Department are working hard to improve the lives of children and youth in our community.