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Community Comment: Why can’t summer last as long as winter seems to?

With all these events to look forward to and enjoy, it tends to make the summer go by so quickly.
Saturday's Boundary Bay Airshow was a summer event not to be missed.

I love summer. Yes, there’s the nice weather and the long days (as long as we don’t mess around with daylight savings too much), but what I really look forward to are the major sporting events. Even better, most are broadcast from Europe, nine hours ahead so as not to ruin my whole day.

At the beginning of July , there’s Wimbledon - at least as long as there are Canadians competing - I’m on the bandwagon until they are out.

Around the same time the Tour de France starts – three weeks of watching guys ride bikes. For some reason I find this completely riveting. A few Canadians this time as well, just to keep my attention. Usually done by noon so I don’t waste the sunshine watching TV, but kind of gets in the way of an early morning run, if that’s on the agenda.

Then there’s the Open Championship. Luckily the coverage ends with enough time for me to make it to the Boundary Bay Airshow.

And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as all these great events end, we get rain. No question we needed it, but couldn’t it have come on Sunday, when I was flipping channels between Paris and Scotland?

Next year, it’ll be even better. The Olympics are being held in Paris, starting July 26. Thank goodness there’s no overlap in the dates. I can only flip quickly between two stations at a time.

With all these events to look forward to and enjoy, it tends to make the summer go by so quickly. The back-to-school ads are already showing up, we aren’t even out of July yet.

To make the summer go even faster, there’s the Celebration of Light which spans over two weeks. Then it’s the BC Day Long Weekend. Welcome to August.

A couple weeks later the PNE opens, which usually means a few days of rain, two weeks of junk food and rides, and then it’s Labour Day. And you know what that means.

Hockey season!

Brad Sherwin, MBA is a long-time resident of South Delta, and has over 30 years’ experience in marketing, public relations’ and business strategy. He teaches post-secondary marketing, coaches hockey goalies and is past president of Deltassist.