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Cooper has created amazing legacy during time at hospital foundation

Editor: Perhaps you are unaware, but Teresa Cooper, executive director of the Delta Hospital Foundation, will be leaving the foundation to pursue other opportunities in the very near future.


Perhaps you are unaware, but Teresa Cooper, executive director of the Delta Hospital Foundation, will be leaving the foundation to pursue other opportunities in the very near future.

She has been the executive director of the hospital foundation for the past seven years. Before this amazing woman leaves I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the many years of hard work and dedication she has shown in making Delta Hospital the best local community hospital.

During her tenure the foundation has raised nearly $17 million for equipment and capital improvement projects. She was instrumental in building both the new emergency room and the new surgical daycare suite.

She forged the relationships that secured the funds for Delta Hospital to obtain its own CT scanner. She raised thousands to renovate the operating rooms, clinics, residential care tubrooms and sought to improve our surroundings by creating the much-adored Healing Garden and Forest for the Future.

In addition, she has organized seven highly successful galas as well as seven golf tournaments and numerous other fundraising initiatives, too many to mention in this letter.

Over the last year she was instrumental in developing the master concept plan in partnership with Fraser Health, which will provide the hospital the strategic direction for its development and growth in the next five to 20 years.

Did I mention she processed hundreds, if not thousands, of orders for new equipment while also providing staff with funds for education and site-based research? She did all this while keeping her board well informed, educated and prepared for the future. She has earned the respect and admiration of the staff and patients of the hospital.

Her legacy to Delta Hospital and to this community is amazing and noteworthy. As you can imagine, I did not want this wonderful woman to slip out of our community without mention and thanks.

We wish her all the best in her new pursuits and will be forever grateful for everything she has done for this hospital and this community.

So on behalf of all hospital staff and physicians, I would like to say thank you, Teresa. You will always hold a special place in the hearts and memories of Delta Hospital.

Annette Garm Site Director Delta Hospital