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Cute creatures could help feed the less fortunate

Editor: Re: Cheaper, and tastier, way to deal with rabbit population, Community Comment, Jan. 25 Kudos to Steve Graham. I know the bunnies look too cute to consider eating, but we do eat lamb, only we don't see the fluffy, cute things too often.


Re: Cheaper, and tastier, way to deal with rabbit population, Community

Comment, Jan. 25

Kudos to Steve Graham. I know the bunnies look too cute to consider eating, but we do eat lamb, only we don't see the fluffy, cute things too often.

I have lived in both Britain and Quebec where the butcher sells rabbits, cleaned and ready to cook. The last wedding we attended the dinner was rabbit, only its French name was used on the menu - lapin - so I'm not sure everyone knew what they were eating, although all enjoyed it.

Unless these rabbits are diseased, I think we should get in touch with the Salvation Army, Union Gospel Mission or our local Food on the Corner, which could undertake to cook up a rabbit stew for those less privileged.

Let's face it, the real culprits are those who buy the rabbits in the first place and then abandon them.

A. Jackson