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Delta council raise was in the works last year

Editor: Re: Delta council members vote themselves raise, May 16 I understand that in the beginning of a term in office council members give themselves a raise so the electorate will have forgotten by the next election.


Re: Delta council members vote themselves raise, May 16

I understand that in the beginning of a term in office council members give themselves a raise so the electorate will have forgotten by the next election. I wonder if the council will succeed in this.

At a time when everyone is being held to two per cent increases or less, it seems ludicrous to be giving a pay increase three or four times that, especially as it continues a series of other increases that make the changes unacceptable.

Even if these increases are to "bring the pay in line with other jurisdictions" of similar size, a position on council was never meant to be lucrative no matter the size of the community.

Worse than that, the article states the raises were already included in the budget. If that's true, this pay increase was planned last year before the election, thus kept from the public at a time when it would have been reasonable to inform the electorate.

One of the first things you are told when taking office is that if there is a fear of a conflict of conscience, there is a conflict. It is interesting the present council did not heed that fear. It shows in its action to allow for the increase last year and not make it public.

Sadly, the electorate can do very little about it at this time but complain. So if you are offended, speak up.

There is an even worse part to this: This issue brings into question this council's ability to make appropriate decisions for this community. As in many governments and levels of government, there appears to be little in the way of strong and responsible leadership

Amazing times we live in.

Peter van der Velden