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Delta should begin efforts to bring a casino to town

Editor: Now that Surrey has rejected the proposed casino, but the B.C.


Now that Surrey has rejected the proposed casino, but the B.C. government seems intent on establishing a casino south of the Fraser River, wouldn't it make sense for the Corporation of Delta to exhibit some leadership?

Delta could commission a planning study and reach out to the provincial government with the declared intent of building a mega complex, including gambling, within the boundaries of Delta. That way we'd get the huge tax revenues, employment, and goods and services business.

Somewhere in that tangle of new intersections involving Highway 99, the South Fraser Perimeter Road, Highway 91 near Burns Bog, Highway 10, the Boundary Bay Airport and the rail lines seems a logical location, providing easy access from all directions without complicating the village-based travel for the rest of Delta.

I suggest a magnificent complex with a multitude of state-of-the-art resort and recreational facilities, including hotel, fine dining and all manner of indoor and outdoor leisure and recreational opportunities, including live and cinematic theatres surrounding a real destination casino. It would be something built for future generations, not those now on the wane.

It would make sense to expand the landfill site at Burns Bog to create a larger hydrocarbon gas collection capability that would provide at least some of the heat and electric power for the mega complex.

The resulting higher hill could provide seasonal ice sliding and water sliding capabilities, cycling trails, and walking and birding paths. An indoor swimming and diving pool with Olympic dimensions makes sense.

Competition level ice rinks and sheets, hardwood ball courts, tennis, lawn bowling and beach volleyball are among many other possibilities (not ever excluding golf, baseball, softball or field sports).

There are a multitude of issues to consider, so why not get started in an organized and efficient manner?

Tom Griffing