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Don't require 'orientation' to walk a dog

Editor: My wife and I decided to go for a walk on Sunday. Our own dog had recently died so we thought, "don't waste a good walk, let's go to the local animal shelter and walk a couple of their dogs in the process.


My wife and I decided to go for a walk on Sunday. Our own dog had recently died so we thought, "don't waste a good walk, let's go to the local animal shelter and walk a couple of their dogs in the process." We used to do that numerous times before we got our own dog.

So off we went to the Delta Community Animal Shelter armed with leashes and doggie bags.

It was run by the humane society back in those days but the Corporation of Delta now runs it. Turns out now you have to go through a two-hour "orientation process" in order to learn how to walk a dog, and then be officially "certified" as a volunteer dog walker, before you are permitted to take any animal out.

I told the lady I had been walking dogs for 55 years and I was not about to take lessons on how to do it. But no dice. Seems the bureaucrats and lawyers have even inserted their tentacles into the process of taking a dog for a walk.

Doubtless our nanny municipal government considers this to be "for our own good."

So we walked two hours without dog(s). Sad for the dogs.

Geoff Eldred