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Don't turn Eden into throughway

Editor: Living on Eden Crescent, I was recently made aware that, according to land title records, the agricultural property south of the Beach Grove Golf Club, just east of Forest by the Bay and immediately north of the Southlands owned by Century, h


Living on Eden Crescent, I was recently made aware that, according to land title records, the agricultural property south of the Beach Grove Golf Club, just east of Forest by the Bay and immediately north of the Southlands owned by Century, has been sold.

It consists of 47.25 acres. Formerly known as the Guichon farm, it was purchased by yet another numbered company, #0925643, on Nov. 30 for $6 million.

The records also state that it is being mortgaged for $4 million at 8.95 per cent, to be renewed in January of 2013 for 13.95 per cent.

Does this mean a development proposal is inevitable as the price suggests?

Let us not forget that in 1988 there was a proposal for 200 housing units on this very property by the Quadrant Development Corporation that included access off Eden Crescent.

The people living on Eden objected strongly because the access would make it a through road.

The plan was changed and the access was to be for emergency vehicles only.

The whole proposal was eventually turned down by Delta council after a historic public hearing.

Let us hope the people of Eden Crescent will not have to worry about this happening again.

This acreage is the most arable and productive agricultural land in Delta and is used yearly during the fall and winter as a resting and feeding stopover for Canadian geese and other wildfowl.

This property should remain agriculturally designated as it is in the Tsawwassen Area Plan and be compatible with the present agricultural designation of the Southlands.

Douglas Massey