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Eagles could provide more cost effective solution

Editor: Yesterday while working out at Ladner Leisure Centre, I saw two bald eagles on the antenna mast of Delta Hospital. The previous week I had seen one.


Yesterday while working out at Ladner Leisure Centre, I saw two bald eagles on the antenna mast of Delta Hospital. The previous week I had seen one.

Yes, I know there are hundreds a few kilometers south around Boundary Bay, however, what makes this exciting is that it could save me and other Delta residents a lot of money.

What possessed our newly elected Delta council, probably euphoric after the recent municipal election, to decide that we should spend $60,000 on relocating feral rabbits? This works out to $300 a rabbit, including the medical procedures to sterilize them.

I find this especially irritating because with $300 we could pay for the B.C.

Medical Services Plan premium for a family for three months, yet the rabbits enjoy free service at taxpayers' expense.

In my youth, I enjoyed rabbit stew at a cost of only a few dollars. Instead of a drain on our limited resources with the world in financial crisis, Delta council could easily generate revenue by selling licenses to hunt these rabbits.

Meanwhile, I am excited to see the eagles at Delta Hospital and hope they will continue to bring many of their friends to join the party.

Chris Scholefield