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Embrace future

Editor: For years I have told my NIMBY neighbours in South Delta any pretence we have about being an unperturbed pastoral paradise exited abruptly with the ferry terminal and with Deltaport, never mind the BCTC power lines.


For years I have told my NIMBY neighbours in South Delta any pretence we have about being an unperturbed pastoral paradise exited abruptly with the ferry terminal and with Deltaport, never mind the BCTC power lines.

Greater good joined forces with our better selves when to settle Tsawwassen First Nation land claims dating back well over a century we relinquished farmland protections that have, after all, been with us only 40 years. As Persian poet Rumi wrote in the 13th century CE, "The greif-armies assemble / and I'm not going with them."

Godspeed to Chief Kim Baird. May she continue to muster the courage and vision demonstrated by Chief Clarence Louie of the Nk'mip First Nation (Osoyoos) in providing rich and valueadded opportunities for her people.

All of us who are fortunate enough to live in this unique corner of the Lower Mainland need embrace the future with less angst and more heart. Besides, better big box retail than infectious casino-addiction any day.

W. Baird Blackstone