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Failure rate in truck blitz far lower than reported

Editor: Re: Three-day truck blitz produces 39 per cent failure rate, April 27 The article states that 16,000 vehicles were assessed in the blitz, of which 692 were given a further inspection.


Re: Three-day truck blitz produces 39 per cent failure rate, April 27

The article states that 16,000 vehicles were assessed in the blitz, of which 692 were given a further inspection. It's obvious that 692 is not 39 per cent of 16,000, so it is a misleading and incorrect headline.

The article goes on to note that of the 692 trucks pulled over, 268 were deemed to be out of service. The 39 per cent referred to in the headline reflects a number based on those vehicles that required further inspection, not the total inspected. The total failure rate the truck blitz produced is closer to 4.3 per cent.

I have no doubt the numbers used in the article were provided by the Delta Police Department and skewed to show a higher percentage to justify its blitz campaign. It is playing with the numbers for a more dramatic effect.

Don't get me wrong: I fully support all efforts to take unsafe vehicles off the road.

I understand why the police would want to show a higher percentage, but it is your job, as responsible journalists, to be impartial, be accurate and not mislead your readers.

D. Robertson