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Fairy tale ending would see bunnies stay at rec centre

Editor: Now, kiddies, are you all listening? Good. Then I'll begin.


Now, kiddies, are you all listening? Good. Then I'll begin.

Once upon a time in the Lovely Land of Ladner, the Big, Bad Bureaucrats, led by Lois, the Wicked Witch of the West, decided to gather up all the little bunnies who were living quite happily by the recreation centre. Then they would fix them (the unkindest cut of all) and send them to live in a far-away land of bunnyeating bald eagles and weasels.

"Oh, help us!" cried the bunnies. The little children who had loved them outside the recreation centre cried too, their little faces wet with tears. "Where have all the bunnies gone?" they sobbed.

But who would come to their rescue? Would it be Peta, the Pretty Princess who loves all the animals? Or Spoca, the hero who had saved so many creatures in the past?

No, it was the good people of Ladner, who protested and told Lois they would not love her any more if she did this terrible thing. "Leave our bunnies alone!" they cried.

And Lois, who was not really wicked but just a bit misguided, agreed. The bunnies were saved and everyone lived happily ever after.

The End.

Harry Seddon