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Farmer stands up for agriculture

Editor: Re: Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics, Community Comment, May 11 I am incensed by Doug Husband's misrepresentation of Delta's proud tradition of farming, of local history and of provincial law.


Re: Farmland concerns focus on aesthetics, not economics, Community Comment, May 11

I am incensed by Doug Husband's misrepresentation of Delta's proud tradition of farming, of local history and of provincial law.

His claim that "Delta's growing season for mixed field crops is very limited with less than optimal results" has no foundation in reality. Delta's fertile soil produces outstanding crops of exceptional vigour, and has supported local farming families for generations.

We lie in the rain shadow of the Olympic range, and enjoy more sunshine annually than our neighbours to the north or east.

The land between Nanaimo and the Willamette Valley in Oregon represents some of the richest farming soil in North America, with mild winter weather that makes for a long growing season. But Husband wants to compare our growing season to Mexico to make his case.

Hey Doug, we're not farming avocadoes here in Delta. You would prefer to import corn, beans, potatoes, root crops, salad greens and a host of vegetables I suspect you have not heard of...

If farming has lost relevance in Husband's view, I would refer him to the scores of "grow local" campaigns being launched, from community gardens here in Delta to the White House lawn. An organic farm has just been set up on the old Expo site in downtown Vancouver.

Tell the Guichons and the Ellises and the Snow family that farming is irrelevant.

Despite his claims, the ALR actually does secure that it is "our right" to ensure these lands remain as they are today. The "great cost" Husband wrings his hands over is unseen profits to the developers who would pave the whole community and put up big box stores and endless rows of identical, soulless box housing. I prefer cornfields.

He is "not aware" of any similar government legislation (to the ALR) in Canada, the U.S. or Europe. Doug, there's this Internet tool called Google that can turn up some interesting results if you use it.

The claim that Delta's farmland is "no longer viable" is offensive and untrue. Hogwash, if you will. There isn't enough space here to speak to all of the false claims in his article.

Here is a great apologist for greedy developers portraying mistruths as gospel. As a firm believer in the practice (not aesthetics) of growing food, his op-ed propaganda piece makes my skin crawl.

Mark Macdonald Proud Delta grower