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Good Samaritans are thanked for their efforts to aid Charlie in his final hours

Editor: We would like to take a moment to thank the two Good Samaritans that tried to help out our cat, Charlie, on the night of Saturday, July 7. At 10 p.m. a kind person found our tabby injured, apparently by a run-in with a car.


We would like to take a moment to thank the two Good Samaritans that tried to help out our cat, Charlie, on the night of Saturday, July 7.

At 10 p.m. a kind person found our tabby injured, apparently by a run-in with a car. Another Good Samaritan drove up, picked up our injured cat and drove him to Intercity After Hours Emergency. Unfortunately, he had to be euthanized as his injuries were too severe.

Our cat came to us from the wild, and while we could take Charlie out of the wild, we couldn't get all the wild out of Charlie. Part of his terms was being able to enjoy the outdoors at night, mostly sleeping on his favourite patio chair.

Likely due to an interaction with another animal, our street-smart tabby ran out of luck. We are privileged he spent the too short time with us, but one thing he taught us is that each moment counted.

So I hope you two Good Samaritans see this, and know that Charlie was the luckiest cat in the world to have had you with him at the end. Thank you for your kindness.

Teresa & Rich Jones