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Greenhouse fear has been put to rest

Editor: Opinions on how to resolve the Southlands debate are often guided by how an individual will be affected by, or may benefit from, a particular outcome.


Opinions on how to resolve the Southlands debate are often guided by how an individual will be affected by, or may benefit from, a particular outcome.

Some give support to Century Group's plans because they hope it will provide a place for them to downsize. Others see a large increase in construction activity and in population as a way to promote their businesses.

There is another group that, although not happy about farmland being used for houses, has not opposed the plans out of fear; fear of what the land might be used for if the developer does not get his way.

This last group worries about the building of hundreds of acres of greenhouses and that we would be powerless to stop it.

It has recently been revealed these worries are totally unfounded. Municipal hall recently confirmed in a meeting with members of Southlands the Facts that it does have the authority to control the types of farming activity that take place on the Southlands.

Delta is legally able to prevent greenhouses from being built there. (The Farm Practices Protection Act is tailored to protect land use within the ALR; the Southlands is not in the ALR.)

Aside from this latest revelation, it is highly doubtful greenhouses would ever have made economic sense anyway.

So, having hopefully put the fear of industrial agriculture to rest, in the upcoming public information meetings and public hearings please come out once again and add your voice to the majority that wish to see the land kept entirely as farmland.

Peter Malim