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Hard to think 'black stuff' is anything but coal dust

Editor: Ross Ens and Vicki Huntington are both concerned about the black stuff that ends up on cars, boats, patios, windowsills and in our lungs. My wife and I have a boat in Point Roberts and own a home in Tsawwassen.


Ross Ens and Vicki Huntington are both concerned about the black stuff that ends up on cars, boats, patios, windowsills and in our lungs.

My wife and I have a boat in Point Roberts and own a home in Tsawwassen. Every time a northwesterly wind blows, our boat and deck at home get a black film on it. When looking west towards the coal port, a black cloud of coal dust can be seen being blown off the coal.

It seems pretty clear to me the "black stuff " is nothing more than coal dust being blown over South Delta.

Ens has valid questions with respect to who monitors the black stuff, the supposed readings and where are the reports telling the citizens of South Delta what they are exposed to?

Have any tests or an investigations been conducted to determine if the black stuff is in fact coal dust? It should be a major concern when decisions are made to expand the Roberts Bank terminal, at least when it comes to expanding the coal port section.

I think the onus is on our elected representatives to take Metro Vancouver and the port to task to give the citizens of South Delta answers.

Hans Verbeek