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History has shown that Ladner is the home arena for local lacrosse teams

Editor: Re: Lacrosse floor time on thin ice, Feb.


Re: Lacrosse floor time

on thin ice, Feb. 1

Did the municipality forget that back in the 1990s when I was involved with lacrosse we had the same issue with the Super Series hockey tournament?

The municipality wanted to put ice in Ladner Arena mid-summer. We fought it then and won, resulting in the municipality writing a letter to Delta Lacrosse stating Ladner would be the lacrosse arena.

Ken Kuntz's comment about having to wait for the Ladner Pioneers to be knocked out of the playoffs is classless. The Pioneers have been playing in Ladner for 30 years. They have won two national and numerous league titles.

I should point out the majority of the Pioneers, past and present, are voting residents of Delta.

In all the years I spent dealing with the parks and recreation department, never once was a legally binding contractual obligation ever mentioned. I guess that's what happens when you deal with private business.

Coun. Robert Campbell says the agreement just isn't working out. It worked all those years before, so make it work now or put someone in there that can make it work.

Max Scabar