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It's cheaper to turn rabbits into dinner

Editor: Re: Rabbits to be relocated, Jan. 11 A few bone-headed residents (and probably some non-residents) decide to dump their pet bunnies around the civic arena and bunnies being bunnies, do what they do best.


Re: Rabbits to be relocated, Jan. 11

A few bone-headed residents (and probably some non-residents) decide to dump their pet bunnies around the civic arena and bunnies being bunnies, do what they do best. Now the rest of the taxpayers are going to have to fork over $60,000 to "relocate" the problem.

I wonder will these same bone-heads then decide to dump their pet bunnies in the new location (Ladner Harbour Park) or continue with their current practice.

Many countries regard rabbits as a food source and the Italians have some delicious recipes for rabbit. Rather than residents fork over $60,000 to relocate the problem, why not let a few like-minded residents capture these prolific breeders and practice their culinary skills.

Maybe when the boneheads see where their bunnies are going they will become more responsible pet owners.

Meanwhile, as the rabbits are relocated the dogs and wildlife in Harbour Park will really enjoy their new playmates.

Mark Alexander