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It's not neighbourly to bring trash across line

Editor: This letter is for my dear neighbour from Point Roberts. I know sometimes it's hard to get rid of garbage, but bringing it across the border seems to be crossing the line for a good neighbour.

Editor: This letter is for my dear neighbour from Point Roberts.

I know sometimes it's hard to get rid of garbage, but bringing it across the border seems to be crossing the line for a good neighbour. By the way, that's how we spell neighbor up here, eh.

On this lovely Saturday morning I saw a red minivan stopped on 56th Street by the cemetery. It's an odd place to stop and prohibited by law under the B.C. Motor Vehicle Act and Delta bylaws.

Fearing the driver had experienced a roadside emergency, I returned to the area and saw him remove three grocery bags of garbage from his minivan and stuff them into the garbage can by the bus stop. It was a nice mix of household trash and recyclable materials that nearly filled the can to capacity. The bags were clearly marked with the stars and stripes.

I cannot confirm the driver was from Point Roberts, but I did get his licence plate number and a good description of him and his vehicle. My silverhaired friend, you've been spotted.

Folks, I don't bring my trash to your house, so please don't bring yours to mine. And, if you must, take the recyclables to the conveniently located depot on 12th Avenue.

Billy Mitchell