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Ladner brothers' spirit is still alive

Editor: When brothers William and Thomas Ladner pre-empted land in and around what is now Ladner Village in 1868, one presumes neither realized the village that would emerge from their dream decades later and the joy it would bring to 20,000 resident


When brothers William and Thomas Ladner pre-empted land in and around what is now Ladner Village in 1868, one presumes neither realized the village that would emerge from their dream decades later and the joy it would bring to 20,000 residents of the best village in B.C. [perhaps in all of Canada].

In 1879 as time progressed and the brothers' dream went forward, residents of Ladner, along with others, petitioned the provincial government to incorporate the new municipality of Delta. The birthplace of Delta is Ladner and it is only fitting that most of the civic buildings and offices are located in Ladner and not in some far-off place called North Delta.

There is much to see and enjoy in Ladner. As one walks the streets of the village, a certain quaintness mixed with quality of substance and a spirit of entrepreneurship abounds. What the Ladner brothers birthed years ago and which they could only dream about, is readily available to those who will take the time to walk, rest and enjoy their surroundings.

My wife Shirley and I emigrated from Richmond to Ladner about 15 years ago; it was a wise choice to leave the hustle and bustle and often times confusion of that city north of the Fraser River to the more friendly confines of Ladner.

Recently, our son Rob joined us and he, too, loves Ladner. As with us, he has joined in the festivities that annually gather folk from far and wide to enjoy the very best that Ladner Village Market provides. Such is Ladner and its charm.

A recent addition to this fair community that is in keeping with the Ladner brothers' pioneer spirit, coupled with the spirit of entrepreneurship, is Stir Coffee House located in that small triangle adjacent to a pet shop, a book shop and a charming boutique.

This shop is the brainchild of two Ladner residents who saw an opportunity to add to the quality of life that is a common theme in Ladner while offering their fellow residents an upbeat and rather lively approach to enjoying a cup of quality coffee or, in my case, a top notch cuppa.

As time passes, the owners will expand their food offerings and improve to meet the increasing requirements of their customers.

Ladner, a village of substance located south of the Fraser River far enough away from the hustle and bustle of larger communities but not so far away from quality, quiet, friendliness, respect, entrepreneurial spirit, charm and joy to be overlooked.

A disclaimer: I have no financial interest in Stir Coffee House but I do have a strong interest in supporting local enterprises, both established and recent.

Bob Orrick