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Letters: Hotel project could be a game changer

Indeed, this is a ‘fresh start’ for the entire community. I can’t wait!
A proposed hotel project could be a game changer in helping to enhance and revitalize Ladner Village says this letter writer. Optimist file photo


I was so very excited to learn about the new hotel project and how it came together and was recognized by the City of Delta as a potential key element in our long-awaited plans to revitalize Ladner Village.

Indeed, this is a ‘fresh start’ for the entire community. I can’t wait!

Twenty odd years ago, down at the far west end of Chisholm Street we operated the Ladner Outdoor Store offering bikes and kayaks.

There was a proposal back then to expand the scope of these activities utilizing the new Spot on the Water municipal park to allow access to the waterfront; however, the ‘push back’ by some was rather ‘vehement,’ to say the least and the plans never materialized.

I hope with all my heart that history does not repeat itself. Truly, there is so much to be gained.

Now, some of us may raise the oft repeated ‘What’s in it for us?’ Well, albeit with some hesitancy for sure, I offer that a ‘glimpse’ of a possible answer to this question might be realized with a visit and stroll down the neighbouring waterfront up in Steveston Village.

Seriously you ask?! I know, I know – “We don’t want to be another Steveston!” (Like I didn’t hear this in decades past? Sigh…) Please, don’t worry…it’s not gonna happen!

There is no doubt that these proposed changes have and will impose challenges and likely some hardship upon some of our local and beloved businesses. We can’t make light of this fact; however, the promises inherent in a ‘fresh face’ for Ladner Village and our waterfront will undoubtedly offer mitigation, hope and opportunity for all.

Now, onwards…and remember…a ‘rising tide lifts all boats’!

Tony Dales