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Letters: Response to recent editorial was appalling

Who would write such a horribly insensitive letter
The George Massey tunnel. Sandor Gyarmati photo


Re: Editorial was just wrong (Optimist, letters, July 4)

Who would write such a horribly insensitive letter, in a local newspaper, where the family of the deceased might read it, and then sign their name to it?

Examples that were given in the letter to justify this extreme position, are simply ridiculous. (Who is creating controversy?) Ever been stuck in a ferry lineup before? Were washrooms at the rest stop out of service?

We’ve all been inconvenienced, at one time or another, but many events can be rescheduled, and life goes on. For most of us, if we are lucky. If a pregnant woman was stuck in the tunnel, then other caring individuals would help her.

First responders, if unable to drive in, would walk their equipment in, like search and rescue.

FYI: any accident (traffic or work-related), when a person has died, is an immediate emergency. It requires a legal, measured, and professional response. Something that the letter writer, who shall not be named by me, appears grossly unaware.

He/she owes that deceased motorcyclist’s family a sincere, heartfelt, and public apology.

A Cameron