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Letters: Time for an election, time for change

I have no allusions that an alternative govt will be a lot better, but they couldn’t possibly be worse
Delta Liberal MP Carla Qualtrough speaks at the Delta Mayor’s Economic Breakfast on Friday, April 5. Ian Jacques Photo


We received to our home the communication from Member of Parliament Carla Qualtrough last week.

To here her tell it we are living in a utopian paradise and all of us should be exceedingly and forever grateful to her, Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal Party for their largesse to us.

Reality tells a different story.

A record 25 per cent of Canadians are living in poverty.

The national debt stands at something like $1.2t.

Debt servicing costs are around $47b/year meaning, $47b that can’t be spent on social programs or the military or what have you.

Every Canadian can tell you how much harder it is to make ends meet due to rising cost of living, housing costs and high taxes.

All due to the policies initiated by the Liberal Govt since 2015.

I have no allusions that an alternative govt will be a lot better, but they couldn’t possibly be worse.

Sadly, to get spending under control cuts will have to be made.

That’s a fact of life. Even countries, like households can’t keep spending more than they make, but its time for an election, and change.

Bob Hart