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Letters: TransLink is playing the "blackmail" card

Step one should be to fire/revamp the entire TransLink management
After years of disastrous financial and planning decisions, TransLink is threatening to dismantle regional bus service to a barebones service unless various levels of government bail them out. Optimist file photo


After years of disastrous financial and planning decisions, TransLink is threatening to dismantle regional bus service to a barebones service unless various levels of government bail them out. This also includes Handy Dart.

Unfortunately, the money must come from somewhere to put out this dumpster fire, so indeed it may be a government bail out.

Cost overruns of billions of dollars such as the SkyTrain decision in Surrey, should have consequences for the incompetents that caused them.

Step one should be to fire/revamp the entire TransLink management and find a set of civil servants who actually understand urban transit and who can count to 12 without having to remove their shoes.

Peter Nemeth