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Lines not well defined on Hwy. 17

Editor: I have been aware of this for a long time, but after almost getting sideswiped twice in a week I feel something has to be done before someone is seriously hurt or worse on Highway 17 near Ladner Trunk Road.


I have been aware of this for a long time, but after almost getting sideswiped twice in a week I feel something has to be done before someone is seriously hurt or worse on Highway 17 near Ladner Trunk Road.

Travelling south on Highway 17 there are three lanes when you cross through the intersection, but due to patching and bad lining, the left lane can seem like it runs right into the middle lane.

The people that almost sideswiped me didn't have a clue they were heading right into my lane. If there was a large tractor-trailer in the far right lane when this happened to me, I might not be writing this letter.

The only reason I didn't get my car hit was because I was watching out for it. One of those times it was sunny and those seem to be the worst days for it, but the next time it was dull and cloudy and it still happened.

What is it going to take to get better lining and reflective lights? We have a lot of travellers going to the ferry terminal that are not familiar with this area. It is an accident that can be prevented.

Patti Purchas