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Majority have already spoken

Editor: Re: Opponents to Southlands proposal not in the majority, letter to the editor, Jan. 2, and Location yields negatives for Southlands development, letter to the editor, Jan. 4 Ken Corey stated the opponents are not the majority.


Re: Opponents to Southlands proposal not in the majority, letter to the editor, Jan. 2, and Location yields negatives for Southlands development, letter to the editor, Jan. 4

Ken Corey stated the opponents are not the majority. Well, for over 40 years now, they have been and still are.

While Corey wants a turnout of 100 per cent for anything to be regarded as a majority, it will never happen in any of our lifetimes. A great many people don't vote, or only vote when the item affects them, so the percentage of voters will always change but never be 100 per cent.

The majority of people have spoken for over 40 years now, but some people just don't want to hear them.

Ed Ries states the proposed Southlands development would yield nothing but negatives for the community. I could not agree more. His letter brings up issues that are still unknown to this day.

People talk about affordable housing, but when housing is developed anywhere, it will sell at market value, so where is the affordable housing?

What are the hidden costs to Delta for getting this free land? Who is going to pay for the sure-to-happen damage to Boundary Bay due to the extremely high water table, if and or when any land compaction is done on the Southlands?

Who is going to pay for the increased maintenance of the main roads and for the loss of quality of life for the residents of Boundary Bay when their small neighbourhood is doubled in size?

The majority of people have spoken loud and often.

Rod Maksym