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Many businesses have failed due to lack of bustling population

Editor: Re: Councillors must see through all the Century Group hype, letter to the editor, Nov. 1 Permit me a moment or two to respond to the 1960s backyard insular denizen who proposed to speak on behalf of Tsawwassen residents.

Editor: Re: Councillors must see through all the Century Group hype, letter to the editor, Nov. 1 Permit me a moment or two to respond to the 1960s backyard insular denizen who proposed to speak on behalf of Tsawwassen residents.

First off, Tsawwassen is not the centre of South Delta; rather Tsawwassen,

Beach Grove, Boundary Bay and Ladner combine to make South Delta. Therefore, all these residents have a right to submit their signatures to a petition for the approval of the Southlands development.

It begs the question to the prejudiced few who consider their Tsawwassen as a private members club: In the three score years and counting, has any thought or consideration been given to the many enterprising entrepreneurs who attempted to make a success of their various business endeavours in Tsawwassen? Sadly due to a lack of a viable, vibrant bustling population, many of these business attempts failed and had to close their doors.

Oh, incidentally, I am a 12-year resident in Boundary Bay, one of the 350 unknown signatories in favour of the Southlands development.

By the way, my wife was one of the many thousands in that traffic jam last Tuesday caused by an overheight truck that didn't make it through the overpass. Such traffic incidents do take their toll on any vehicle-dependent community.

Morris Ross