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Mayor's comments leave reader confused over civic position on public ownership of Paterson

Editor: Re: Paterson purchase not in the cards, Aug. 7 I am a little confused.

Editor: Re: Paterson purchase not in the cards, Aug. 7 I am a little confused. In March, Delta council unanimously endorsed a motion to "explore with the province of British Columbia and Kwantlen Polytechnic University all options that would retain the Paterson Park property in public ownership for public use."

Now, five months later, Mayor Lois Jackson is quoted as saying, "I don't think we'll be looking at purchasing [Paterson Park] anytime soon."

Now, here is the source of my confusion: When Jackson says this, is she saying council has already explored with the provincial government and Kwantlen all options and decided there is another, better option to retain the Paterson Park property in public ownership for public use? If so, what is that option? Or when she says council

will not be looking at purchasing Paterson Park is her comment in blatant contradiction to a motion endorsed by council? That is to say, has she unilaterally taken purchase (as an option) off the table when it comes to Paterson Park?

Scott Drake