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Mayors need to put priority on tunnel

Editor: After using the George Massey Tunnel for over 30 years now, I have a suggestion: Instead of dropping buckets of money into the "ALR" problem that we taxpayers shell out, let's get this tunnel done once and for all.


After using the George Massey Tunnel for over 30 years now, I have a suggestion: Instead of dropping buckets of money into the "ALR" problem that we taxpayers shell out, let's get this tunnel done once and for all.

I made a suggestion about three years ago that the mayors of Delta, Surrey and Richmond drive the tunnel (by themselves - no HOV lane) each day to and from Vancouver City Centre, at 7: 30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Then let's sit down and talk tunnel, housing south of the tunnel and moving traffic.

That would be something to talk about.

Also interesting would be, when they are putting out their hair, to remind them about the new housing project right by the highway from the ferry terminal. I'm sure after driving the tunnel daily they would turn a little white.

Once we all agree this tunnel has to be dealt with once and for all, the mayors would then put the pressure on the powers that be to do something - and now.

In the meantime, would it be that difficult (during the night) to paint the tunnel a bright colour, put in white lights, not dungeon yellow, and keep a flashing sign at all times that tells drivers to "maintain speed, this is a highway."

If the public thinks, oh, this isn't so bad now, we might just get the traffic moving at a better pace. It is by no means the answer, but just might help a bit until the mayors actually get together and work this out once and for all.

Then, yes, by all means, let's talk about housing and what we need down south of the tunnel, but at this point it would be hopeless because we can't get the people we have now in and out of the city.

Judy Kerr