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Nazi references not appropriate

Editor: Re: It's time to exact some revenge on the light police, Living Matters, Jan.


Re: It's time to exact some revenge on the light police, Living Matters, Jan. 30

Who would have ever thought that I, or anyone else, would write a letter to the editor with a criticism of something Barbara Gunn wrote in her Living Matters column? Nevertheless, I am doing just that.

It's about her expression, "Light Nazi," referring to her husband, who is perhaps overly zealous about saving electricity. I realize there are similar usages floating around, like "Grammar Nazi," but these are widely and justifiably criticized. As well, when public figures call someone a Nazi they are quickly brought to task.

The Nazis are seen as singular in the horrors they inflicted upon different groups of people, but Jews in particular. It is felt by many that to use the term for anything less, especially in a lighthearted or joking manner, is to trivialize those horrors and the suffering of the victims.

I'm sure this was not Gunn's intention and I hope she will avoid such usage in the future.

Howard Solverson