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NIMBYs found in 'Garden'

Editor: Re: Final phase of Marina Gardens is another story to watch in 2013, letter to the editor, Jan. 9, and Municipal politicians let voters down by approving 37-storey North Delta tower, letter to the editor, Jan.


Re: Final phase of Marina Gardens is another

story to watch in 2013, letter to the editor, Jan. 9, and Municipal politicians let voters down by approving 37-storey North Delta tower, letter to the editor, Jan. 9

I am truly saddened by the letter writers' resolve to "keep out" any developments that would benefit seniors and young people that don't want or can't afford big houses.

My fear is the Marina Gardens development will become another Southlands boondoggle? Southlands has polarized Tsawwassenites and pitted neighbours against each other.

I live close to the proposed Marina Gardens development in Ladner and from what I've heard from my neighbours to the north, they are gathering steam to oppose this project at every turn.

Arguments? Mainly more traffic and not enough parking, both of which have been addressed by the developer. Roads are the municipality's responsibility but I see both Ferry Road and Admiral Boulevard to be overbuilt for today's usage. With higher density, transit would improve.

Parking issues should be minimal.

The real issue is NIMBYism. A meeting I attended had people concerned about living next to "renters" or "affordable 16-foot wide townhomes" or "higher density condos," etc.

Weren't they ever young and starting out, or had parents that wanted to downsize from their larger homes, or know perfectly wonderful people who rent?

With increased density we'll be able to provide needed housing to those groups that will bring more skills, children to our schools and income to our community. Right now, Delta, from a development standpoint, is standing still, if not going backwards.

We need good development and we need to attract diversity in people of all income levels, not just wealthy retirees.

And you know what? With these quality developments being proposed, our property values will likely go up because of them.

Ladner is very desirable, a safe haven for both seniors and children.

We need to encourage our municipal council to continue supporting quality developments for all ages. Don't let the vocal loudmouths bully our politicians into submission. We are an inclusive society, are we not?

ML Burke