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Opponents to Southlands proposal not in the majority

Editor: Re: Chamber endorsement not as strong as advertised, letter to the editor, Dec. 28, and Majority still not convinced that housing is good for Southlands, letter to the editor, Dec.


Re: Chamber endorsement not as strong as advertised, letter to the editor, Dec. 28, and Majority still not convinced that housing is good for Southlands, letter to the editor, Dec. 21

I would like to point out that both of these letters sent to you are from the opponents of the Southlands proposal and are contradictory in nature but actually support what I've been trying to communicate to our council and citizens of South Delta for years.

The opponents of the Southlands proposal are simply the "self-proclaimed majority." All of the surveys to date, including the Ipsos Reid home mailer poll of a couple years ago and the chamber poll mentioned in the above letter, have had one certainty in common: approximately 30 per cent response leaving 70 per cent not responding.

I believe there should be a third category created to support the 70 per cent that just don't take the time to fill out the form and call this category, "I just don't care."

This category can certainly not be associated with the opponents because, let's face it, if you are against the proposal, you're filling out the form. However, if you are for the proposal, you practically have to be recruited from the I-just-don't-care category because both categories are technically two of the same.

So let's not distort the facts, folks, the opponents of the Southlands proposal are not the majority.

Ken Corey