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Optometrist looking to share good news stories

Editor: In our community we are fortunate to have access to all kinds of professional services. I am pleased to be a 30-year provider of optometric services here in South Delta.


In our community we are fortunate to have access to all kinds of professional services. I am pleased to be a 30-year provider of optometric services here in South Delta.

Many in the world have no access at all to eye care, and I do what I can to help those through an organization called Optometry Giving Sight.

Our office will be celebrating World Sight Day tomorrow with an open house. Please drop in at Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for a coffee and a treat and let us share some of the stories with you of people in developing countries who have been helped.

Additionally, all the patients seen in my office today will have their exam fees donated to Optometry Giving Sight.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Dr. Joan Hansen