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Paterson Park seen as ideal site for seniors housing

Editor: The Delta Seniors Community Planning Team understands that in time there may be renewed development considerations for the former Paterson Park lands at the corner of Highway 17 and Ladner Trunk Road.


The Delta Seniors Community Planning Team understands that in time there may be renewed development considerations for the former Paterson Park lands at the corner of Highway 17 and Ladner Trunk Road. Our group sees this as an excellent opportunity for addressing much-needed seniors housing in Delta.

With so few large tracts of land available in Delta for development to meet the needs of its residents, Paterson Park is viewed by our group as an opportunity to not only help Delta seniors but to create a community hub for all Delta residents to enjoy.

The location of the property already provides access to health and recreation services as well as access to community shuttle service into Ladner and bus service to Metro Vancouver locations.

Higher density housing would allow for the creation of affordable housing; partnership with other levels of government and the nonprofit housing sector could create assisted living units for seniors requiring additional home supports.

In addition to housing, amenities such as pathways and trails, community gardens, farmers' markets, etc. would create an exciting new community space for Delta.

Delta Seniors Community Planning Team