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Picking up tab for 'huge thing'

Editor: Re: Mayors looking for better deal, May 23 Here's a suggestion for intrepid reporters: stop regurgitating local politicians' talking points and go after them for a true accounting of what they're costing us.

Editor: Re: Mayors looking for better deal, May 23

Here's a suggestion for intrepid reporters: stop regurgitating local politicians' talking points and go after them for a true accounting of what they're costing us.

Delta's career commissar, Lois Jackson, thinks a weekend junket of 86 mayors in the Okanagan sun is a "huge thing for the people of British Columbia." How "huge," she might have been asked, other than our tab? Just so that we rubes grasped the momentousness of their Penticton confab, she decreed it "a movement, not just a meeting," and "quite unprecedented in her time."

So, what did we get for this year's schmooze? You guessed it: a newly formed mayors' committee, with a mandate to have us pony up for their next "action plan."


As if oblivious to Skype, our betters figure the B.C.

Mayors' Caucus should be an annual retreat (can the committee plan the next one for Maui?).

At every level of bloated and incompetent governance - from the UN to our municipality - Canadian taxpayers are played for suckers. The first mayor who abjures their profligacy will be the first to merit the support of those compelled to pay for them.

Could the Optimist reporter at least have wrenched from our mayor reviews of the swank hotel and restaurants at which we picked up the tab?

Gary McGregor