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Pipeline to port

Editor: Here's an idea that would avoid putting a pipeline through the pristine B.C. wilderness and having supertanker terminals at both Kitimat and Burrard Inlet.


Here's an idea that would avoid putting a pipeline through the pristine B.C. wilderness and having supertanker terminals at both Kitimat and Burrard Inlet.

Enbridge, the oil barons and the Harper government won't like it, but then a lot of people don't like their plans.

I suggest we kill the Enbridge proposal and allow Kinder and Morgan to twin the TransMountain pipeline but extend it from Burnaby to Roberts Bank.

It could go down Boundary Road and across east Richmond and Delta to meet the coal train right-of-way and follow it to a new tanker terminal.

It would be a fairly clear run for supertankers from Roberts Bank through Haro Strait or Rosario Strait, rather than Active Pass, to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the open Pacific Ocean.

And it could be a great development project for the Tsawwassen First Nation.

Ron Rose