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Plenty of letters for council

Editor: Appended to this week's (May 28) Delta council meeting agenda are 82 very thoughtful and articulate letters to mayor and council from a cross section of Delta residents expressing their views on the Southlands development application.


Appended to this week's (May 28) Delta council meeting agenda are 82 very thoughtful and articulate letters to mayor and council from a cross section of Delta residents expressing their views on the Southlands development application.

Residents that don't regularly follow council might not know that all letters addressed to mayor and council are appended to the council meeting agenda that is posted on Delta's website on the Thursday before scheduled council meetings the following Monday.

To navigate from Delta's home page, www. , click on Current Council Agenda, scroll down to Correspondence for Information (External), and click on the highlighted item number. A summary of all correspondence will appear and a copy of each letter, along with the reply from Delta, can be seen by scrolling down the page.

Most letters are dealt with by municipal staff but they are public information once they are posted on the website and, like letters to the editor, they provide a fascinating glimpse into community affairs and the issues that are currently in the public mind.

The May 28 council meeting letters concerning the Southlands are of particular interest since of the 82, only six are in favour of the development.

By the time this is printed, the May 28 meeting may be a Previous Regular Council Meeting. To see the agenda and read the correspondence: from Delta's home page click on Council Meetings and Workshops, Previous Regular Council Meeting Agendas, the year (2012), the month (May), and the day of the meeting (in this case, May 28), and proceed as above.

Kent Warmington