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Prince Rupert is a good option for many reasons

Editor: Re: Prince Rupert not good option, letter to the editor, Nov.


Re: Prince Rupert not good option, letter to the editor, Nov. 16

Arthur David Serry writes, "Ask yourselves for one moment that if Prince Rupert were a valid alternative, why would those in the business of ports and shipping choose Deltaport?"

Perhaps Serry should explain why COSCO, one of the biggest shipping companies in the world, from China, has chosen Prince Rupert as its port of choice over Deltaport.

Readers should also keep in mind the Northwest Passage is already being considered as an import sea route linking the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, which will cut the distance between the Far East and Europe considerably, and will then make Prince Rupert a port very strategically located as a leading trade corridor gateway between the Asian markets and the American continent.

According to the FAQ section of its website, the Port of Prince Rupert has the following going in its favour:

1. The Port of Prince Rupert remains ice-free year round.

2. It has the deepest natural harbour in North America.

3. Low local population density means few land use, traffic and rail congestion issues like those facing larger ports, such as Vancouver and Los Angeles. The Port of Prince Rupert links growing Asian markets with important commercial centres and has industrially-zoned land available for development by heavy industry.

Additionally, the port's low cost operation, and its shorter distance from the Far East, will make it more attractive to international shipping.

Oscar G. Pinto