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Reminder issued after child struck in crosswalk

Editor: Last Wednesday my nine-year-old son was riding his bike home from school when he was struck by a car while crossing in the crosswalk at 44th Avenue and Arthur Drive. The car turned into the crosswalk between my son and another child.


Last Wednesday my nine-year-old son was riding his bike home from school when he was struck by a car while crossing in the crosswalk at 44th Avenue and Arthur Drive.

The car turned into the crosswalk between my son and another child. My son could not stop in time and hit the back tire of her car. He was shaken but not injured.

I would like to remind Delta drivers the law requires you to fully stop at red light before turning right. Also, you are not to transit a crosswalk with anyone in it, especially children.

Parents, please remind your kids that even if the crosswalk sign is lit, they still need to look both ways before crossing. These are simple but smart rules we need to heed.

Also, thanks to the paramedics, police, parents and principal Jaye Sawatsky for their quick professionalism and reaction.

Greg Zyp