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Resident is willing to pay a little more in taxes to keep casino out of South Delta

Editor: Re: Others hit the jackpot with casino, Murphy's Law, Feb. 20 As Ted Murphy writes, casinos "prey on the vulnerable and bring a variety of social ills." These are no small things. Nor are they pleasant places inside.


Re: Others hit the jackpot with casino, Murphy's Law, Feb. 20

As Ted Murphy writes, casinos "prey on the vulnerable and bring a variety of social ills." These are no small things.

Nor are they pleasant places inside. When I have been inside the River Rock or Boulevard casinos, I have been struck by how few people are smiling or seeming to be having a good time.

In South Delta, we often hear about the importance of maintaining our values and our way of life. Well, casinos dominate whatever area they are located in and would change life in South Delta. Vancouver and Surrey voted against more casinos for good and important reasons.

If the government needs more money for social programs, it should be up front about it and tax us. I certainly would be willing to pay a few cents more on my property tax for such programs if the government would agree not to put a casino in South Delta.

S. Corber