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Restrictions on property owners

EDITOR: Re: Put money where mouth is when it comes to farmland, letter to the editor, May 4 Farmers who want to sell out to developers write they should be entitled to do whatever they wish, implying, of course, the rest of us can do whatever we wish


Re: Put money where mouth is when it comes to farmland, letter to the editor, May 4

Farmers who want to sell out to developers write they should be entitled to do whatever they wish, implying, of course, the rest of us can do whatever we wish with our properties, which, of course, is false.

We live in a civilization, a community, which has us working and living in zones - agricultural, industrial, commercial and residential.

Imagine what would happen if everybody in Delta's residential zones felt entitled to do what they wish with their lots. Some would demolish their homes so they could erect high rises; these high rises would have to be thin, one suite a floor, square footage depending on lot size, but no limit on the number of storeys.

And then owners could take their sense of entitlement a little further, arguing they have a right to do whatever they wish with their thin high rises - sweatshops, bawdy houses, casinos, pubs...

Greg J. Edwards