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Rookie councillor quick to respond

Editor: I recently joined aqua fitness at Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre and found the exercise is beneficial for my health.


I recently joined aqua fitness at Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre and found the exercise is beneficial for my health. After a few weeks, I found many more students joined the class but classes are only available on Monday and Wednesday nights.

I asked the teacher if there is any way to increase the number of classes because aqua fitness is good for people of all ages, especially seniors. He advised me to give suggestions to the centre and I did on Delta's website.

My husband, who has lived locally for three decades, told me the comments should have been sent to "Parks, Recreation, & Culture," rather than the one I sent to the "Chief Administrative Office." But what's done is done, so I did not expect any response.

On Saturday at 5: 15 p.m., I received a call from Coun. Sylvia Bishop. She mentioned that increasing the number of classes is a good idea, but she needs time to arrange adequate instructors and schedules for best efficiency. I understood, agreed and thanked her.

I was surprised and impressed she replied to me only two days after I submitted the comments. I was also impressed she was working late in the afternoon on a Saturday and called me personally. No wonder my husband said she is the one that really does a good job.

Amanda Wu