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Single-vehicle households not the reality for today's Tsawwassen

Editor: I recently received a mail-out from Century Group regarding public information meetings, which I assume also went to most, if not all, households in Tsawwassen. I take issue with several points in the mail-out.


I recently received a mail-out from Century Group regarding public information meetings, which I assume also went to most, if not all, households in Tsawwassen.

I take issue with several points in the mail-out. According to the "Most Asked Questions" section, it would appear Century Group thinks most of us only use our cars to go to the stores for a litre of milk or to take our children to school.

Apparently, it would prefer all of us to walk to the stores and schools (not to mention walk the family to the beach, along with all the picnic and barbecue supplies, etc.). How arrogant and shortsighted.

As if that is not enough, the mail-out goes on to say, "In the future, most households will need to get by with a single car."

Does Century Group know something we, the unwashed, don't? Is it delusional enough to think it can dictate to the general population just how many vehicles each family is allowed to own?

As for the response to the question on farming, if memory serves me correctly, one of the main reasons Century Group wanted to develop the Southlands in the first place was that it was not viable farmland.

So how will it suddenly become viable after a development permit is approved?

Syd Hinds